Thursday, January 24, 2013

Tips to Manage Chronic Pain with out Drugs

One cannot eat painkillers till eternity. There has to be some alternative to these medicines if someone has to live with chronic pain.
Here are 7 tips about how to manage and live with chronic pain:
1. Stress ReductionSensitivity to pain is increased due to negative feelings like, stress, anger, anxiety and depression. Some relief from pain may be found by taking control of these negative feelings. Stress reduction and relaxation promotion can be achieved by various techniques.
Relaxation can be promoted by progressive muscle relaxation technique as demonstrated in the figure above and has two components physical and mental.
During the physical component tension and relaxation is created alternately in muscle groups over the legs, abdomen, chest, arms and face with eyes closed and in sequential pattern. A muscle group is tensed for 10 seconds and then relaxed for 20 seconds before continuing with next muscle group.
During the mental component patient is told to concentrate on the feeling of tensed muscle which is followed by a sensation of warmth and heaviness when the muscle is relaxed. This feeling of warmth and heaviness ultimately leads to a feeling of relaxation.
Guided imagery, as shown in above picture, is another relation technique in which patients make calming peaceful images in their mind. this practice is a kind of mental escape which helps them remain peaceful and painfree.

2. Meditation and Deep Breathing

Meditation and deep breathing ease the pain by relaxing the body.
Meditation is done by focusing on the breath, ignoring the intruding thoughts, and repeating a word or a phrase known as mantra. This word or phrase is usually a personal one like “I am confident” etc. Repetition is the heart of meditation and it should be repeated at regular intervals. Preferably it should have a 15-minute session which should be repeated twice a day. It should preferably be done in sitting rather than lying position.

3. Pain Relief With Exercise

Exercise causes release of endorphins in brain, which are chemicals that improve your mood and block pain signals to brain.
Exercise strengthens the skeletal muscles also which in turn support the painful and susceptible areas of the body resulting in reduction in pain.
Exercise reduces body weight which is a great relief in itself especially in obese patients with backache and pain in joints of legs.

4. Stop Smoking And Cut Back On Alcohol

Smoking impairs blood flow in the body, including at the site of pain resulting in delayed or non clearance of pain mediators from the site of the pain hence causing prolonged or persistent pain.
turn worsen pain problems, while alcohol worsens the sleep problems hence aggravating the pain.
Patients with chronic pain can improve with less or no drinking because pain causes sleep problems and sleep problems in 

5. Join A Support Group

Meeting the people who are living with chronic pain and understand what you are suffering from, makes you feel less lonely and they can give you tips about their coping strategies.
Patients with chronic pain invariably develop depression and pain-depression-pain is a vicious cycle which needs to be broken.
Affected people should consult a mental health professional to address for counselling to address their depression. That way both the depression and the pain can be reduced.

6. Massage

People having chronic pain get relief with massage because it reduces stress and relieves tension.

7. Healthy Diet

A well-balanced diet reduces heart disease risk, keeps weight under control and improves blood sugar levels. For a good low fat, low sodium diet choose from: fresh fruits and vegetables; cooked dried beans and peas; whole-grain breads and cereals; low-fat cheese, milk, and yogurt; and lean meats.


The contents has provided meaningful information thanks for sharing info.

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